(Please note: it is desirable to invite qualified individuals to serve on a committee. If after serving on a committee for a period of time, they prove to be committed and would be an asset to the board, then the nomination process should begin. Committee service is not a requisite for board nomination).

  1. Any board member may submit a name to the governance committee or the president as a board member nominee for consideration.
  2. By approval from the governance committee, an information packet will be sent to the nominee for review.
  3. At the request of the nominee for the selection process to continue, a member of the governance committee along with the president will conduct a personal interview with the nominee.
    • Further interviews may be scheduled if necessary.
  4. With the approval of the governance committee, a biography and picture of the nominee is sent to all board members with the committee’s letter of recommendation.
    • Board members are to review the information received from the governance committee concerning the new nominee.
    • If any board member has information about the nominee that needs to be considered before the process continues, this information is to be given to the chair of the governance committee.
  5. With the approval of the governance committee, the nominee will receive an invitation to attend the next board meeting as a guest for the opportunity to observe the board “in action.”
  6. If the nominee is in agreement for the approval process to continue, the nominee mails (submits) a signed copy of the Personal Profile and Approval Sheet to the chair of the governance committee.
  7. The governance committee submits the name of the nominee to the chairman of the board for election.
  8. The chairman adds the election of the nominee to the agenda of the next scheduled board meeting.
  9. Board of Directors Operational Handbook sent to board nominee for review prior to attending board meeting.

Note: With the approval of the chairman, the president, and the governance committee, steps 5 through 9 may be accelerated by combining some of them.