
A successful board / president partnership requires the board to conduct an annual appraisal of the president based upon established criteria. High expectations of the president are laudable – as long as they are established beforehand. If this type of evaluation is not in place, the president may become subject to an “off the cuff” evaluation based on anecdotal issues that creates a skewed system of judgment.

To accomplish a proactive and ethical appraisal process, the president submits to the Governance Committee an annual plan consisting of identified objectives and goals for the coming year. This plan, once approved, becomes the established criteria from which the president’s performance is evaluated


Issues of Responsibilities and Consistency:

The annual plan for the president normally address a bulk of ongoing responsibilities that will stay consistent each year. At the same time, some priorities and needs of the ministry change from one year to the next altering how the president will use some allotments of his time

The President’s Annual Plan for 2023 will be different in some noticeable ways because of the addition of the Executive Director. The Executive Director will address some of the daily responsibilities of the president. This will give me more opportunity to address other possibilities that will benefit the overall ministry of Go To Nations in strategic ways.

Unfulfilled Goals:

When creating the President’s Plan for 2023, all unfulfilled goals from the 2022 President’s Plan were reviewed. The ones that are still relevant were “brought forward”, and made a part of the 2023 plan. Some were transferred to the Executive Director.


President’s Annual Plan for 2023:


Identified Objectives:

The plan is divided into five distinct objectives:

  1. Apostolic Oversight of Go To Nations
  2. Relocation Campaign
  3. Board of Directors
  4. Re-activation of Missions in America
  5. Creation of National Missions Movements

Objective #1: Apostolic Oversight of Go To Nations

  • Transference of Daily Operations
    • Shift all management and oversight of all daily operations of Go To Nations to the Executive Director.
    • Serve in a mentoring/supporting role to the Executive
    • Commit to a monthly debriefing meeting with the Executive

  • World Headquarters Operations
    • Commit to an average of two days a week in the World
    • Attend the Go To Nations Officers meetings when possible and/or requested
    • Attend quarterly Executive Council Meetings when possible and/or requested
    • Attend the Annual Executive Council

  • Office of the President
    • Dissolve all personnel from the Office of the President except for the Executive Assistant to the President. The structural position of the Executive Ambassador will be determined at the end of the first quarter of 2023
    • The president will not carry any responsibility to manage any office personnel of the World Headquarters except the Executive Assistant of the President.
    • The president will conduct an annual assessment of the Executive Assistant to the President.

Objective #2: Board of Directors

  • Assist in the continual build-out of the
    • Help recruit two new board members in 2023
    • Lead in the envisioning process of the board members concerning the global focus of Go To Nations

  • Presidential Reports
    • Send periodic email updates to the board
    • Provide quarterly President Reports in congruent with scheduled board meetings

  • Committee Responsibilities
    • Serve on the Governance
    • Assist the Advancement Committee when needed /
    • Meet quarterly with the President’s Member Care Counselor as instructed by the Governance Committee.
    • Assist in the annual review of the BOD Operational

  • President’s Annual Appraisal
    • Submit an Annual Review of the President’s Plan for 2022 to the Governance Committee by December 31, 2022.
    • Submit the President’s Plan for 2023 to the Governance Committee by December 31, 2022.

Objective #3: Relocation Campaign

  • Campaign Budget
    • Assist in fundraising activities and serve as a part of the Relocation Development Committee.

  • Building Project
    • Serve as an advisor concerning the construction and relocation process of the World Headquarters


Objective #4: Re-activation of Missions in America

  • Local Churches
    • Speak on missions in at least six
    • Record at least four missions messages for distribution
    • Conduct at least two missions
    • Speak in at least two missions
    • Distribute at least four missions newsletters to my personal mailing
    • Introduce 15 stateside churches to the ministry of Go To
  • Bible Schools
    • Teach at least four missions courses in bible

Objective #5: Creation of National Mission Movements

  • Missions Mobilization Tools
    • Steps…To The Mission Field
      • Publish the new student manual.
      • Proof the Trainer’s manual.
      • Proof the power points.
      • Create a trainer’s kit.
      • Create English videos with English sub-titles (Uganda)
      • Dub videos in Swahili.
      • Translate student manual into West African French
      • Translate power points into West African FrenchZ

    • Global Pathway - 3rd Edition
      • Dub English videos into Swahili.
      • Proof the power points
      • Create a trainer’s kit.
      • Create English videos with English sub-titles (Uganda)
      • Translate student manual into West African French.
      • Translate power points into West African French.
    • Transformational Ministry Training (TMT)
      • Film in English.
      • Create English videos with English sub-titles.
      • Translate student manual into Swahili.
      • Translate power points into Swahili
      • Translate trainer’s manual into Swahili.
      • Translate student manual into West African French.
      • Translate power points into West African French.
    • Biblical Basis for Missions
      • Revise the Trainer’s manual.
      • Revise the power points.
      • Revise the student manual.
      • Publish the student manual.
      • Create a Trainer’s Kit
    • Solidify Your Missionary Call
      • Revise the Training manual.
      • Revise the power points.
      • Revise the student manual.
    • Create 2-minute video intros for all curriculum courses
  • Missions Mobilization Partnership Development
    • Assemblies of God of Tanzania
      • Activate GTN’s partnership with Assemblies of God of Tanzania (TAG)
      • Train 1,500 of the TAG’s top apostolic leaders in TMT, Global Pathway, and Steps To The Missions curriculum by 2025.
      • Provide the TAG with the initial necessary electronic PDF files of the Power Point presentations, teaching notes along with videos files of the above curriculum.
    • National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches (NFBPC)
      • Train 1,500 of the NFBPC’s top apostolic leaders in TMT, Global Pathway, and Steps To The Missions curriculum by 2025.
      • Provide the NFBPC with the initial necessary electronic PDF files of the Power Point presentations, teaching notes along with videos files of the above curriculum.
    • Miracle Centre Cathedral
      • Train 1,500 of the NFBPC’s top apostolic leaders in TMT, Global Pathway, and Steps To The Missions curriculum by 2025.
      • Provide the NFBPC with the initial necessary electronic PDF files of the Power Point presentations, teaching notes along with videos files of the above curriculum.
  • Conference Participation
    • Conduct three TMT / Global Pathway / Steps conferences in East Africa
    • Conduct one Leadership Training Conference in Tanzania
    • Conduct one TMT / Global Pathway / Steps conference in India
    • Conduct one TMT / Global Pathway / Steps conference in West Africa
  • Churches
    • Minister in four overseas churches


President’s Estimated Time Allocation:

  • Average of two days per week in the World Headquarters.
  • Average of two days per week in my home office working on curriculum.
  • At least four overseas trips averaging 15 days per trip.
  • At least six stateside trips averaging five days per trip.
  • At least four evenings per month hosting dinners with potential donors for the Relocation Campaign.



This will be my 38th year with Go To Nations. By the time I celebrate my 40th year with the ministry, GTN’s relocation campaign should be close to completion. And, our World Headquarters team should be in a place of strength with a team of next generation leaders who will serve the ministry well for years to come.

As I look ahead, my main areas of passion are four-fold: 1) To create national missions movements across Africa, India, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. 2) Help bring missions awareness back to the churches in America once again. 3) Create tools that will help advance missions stateside and abroad. 4) To have more time for Beverly and me to enjoy these later years without going into full-blown retirement. But I have very little energy left to manage the ministry or people. With this understanding, my time away from the office will become greater and greater in years ahead.