1 Facilitate Committee Work
- Plan and lead committee meetings
- Assign tasks to committee members
- Monitor the group’s progress, communicate with staff members when needed
- Resolve conflicts among committee members
- Arrange for the committee to evaluate its work at the end of each program year to determine whether it did what it set out to do and what worked and what didn’t
2 Communicate with the Full Board
- Serve as the liaison between the committee and the board chair, and the full board
- Ensure that appropriate reports are submitted to the board, and keep the board chair and the president informed about the committee’s progress
3 Interview the President
- Prepare report for the committee and make recommendation for the Presidents annual review
- Present report and committee’s findings to the full board
4 Lead the Board of Directors Self Appraisal
- Distribute forms as needed
- Compile results and present at board meeting 5 Set agenda for Board meetings
- Work with the Chairman of the board to set agenda items for the board meetings
6 Facilitate nomination process for new board members and board officers
7 Facilitate Board Meeting Evaluations
- Send out forms as needed
- Compile results and present at board meeting 8 Interview board members that are up for re-election
9 Prepare Annual Calendar of Events with the Governance Committee
10 Prepare Governance annual report
11 Assist with orientation of new board members
12 Provide several areas for board training
13 Assist with Conflict of Interest Disclosures
Full Instructions for major responsibilities
1 Facilitate Committee Work
- Plan and lead committee meetings
- Assign tasks to committee members
- Monitor the group’s progress, communicate with staff members when needed
- Resolve conflicts among committee members
- Arrange for the committee to evaluate its work at the end of each program year to determine whether it did what it set out to do and what worked and what didn’t
2 Communicate with the Full Board
- Serve as the liaison between the committee and the board chair, and the full board
- Ensure that appropriate reports are submitted to the board, and keep the board chair and the president informed about the committee’s progress
3 President Appraisal
- The President will provide his previous year’s annual plan and upcoming year annual plan before the January Governance committee meeting
- The Chairman of the Governance Committee will interview the President personally and present his opinion to the Governance Committee
- The Governance Committee then interviews the President using the six questions from the BOD handbook
- Is the vision for GTN clear, is this being upheld and how?
- IS GTN bearing fruit based upon the mission?
- What is the overall condition of GTN?
- Does Ministry Operate with High Level of Integrity?
- Are there any concerns or issues concerning good governance between the board and the staff of the world headquarters?
- Condition and Personal Wellbeing of the President?
- The Governance Committee will review the plans and have a time to ask questions and give input concerning those plans
- The Governance Committee then makes a Motion for a Vote of Confidence, No Confidence or Vote of Concern.
- The annual plans are then submitted to the BOD for review
- The Board will then discuss (with the President absent) and vote Vote of Confidence, Vote of No Confidence or Vote of Concern
- This will then be followed by prayer for the President
- Timetable
- Dec - President turns in annual plans
- Jan - chairman of Governance meets with President for Interview of the President
- Jan - Governance Committee –
- Discuss plans
- Chairman makes presentation
- Governance makes a motion for Confident, no confidence or vote of concern
- Report and recommendation prepared for BOD
4 Lead the Board of Directors Self Appraisal
- Distribute forms as needed
- Compile results and present at board meeting 5 Set agenda for Board meetings
5 Set agenda for Board Meetings
- Work with the Chairman of the board to set agenda items for the board meetings
6 Facilitate nomination process for new board members and board officers
- Procedures for nomination of new board members
- (Please note: It is desirable to invite qualified individuals to serve on a If after serving on a committee for a period of time they prove to be committed and would be an asset to the board, then the nomination process should begin).
- Further interviews may be scheduled if necessary.
- With the approval of the Governance Committee, a biography and picture of the nominee is sent to all board members with the committee’s letter of recommendation
- Board members are to review the information received from the Governance Committee concerning the new nominee
- If any board member has information about the nominee that needs to be considered before the process continues, this information is to be given to the Chair of the Governance Committee.
- Any board member may submit a name to the Governance Committee or the President as a board member nominee for consideration
- By approval from the Governance Committee, an information packet will be sent to the nominee for review.
- At the request of the nominee for the selection process to continue, a member of the Governance Committee along with the president will conduct a personal interview with the nominee
- With the approval of the Governance Committee, the nominee will receive an invitation to attend the next board meeting as a guest for the opportunity to observe the board “in action.”
- If the nominee is in agreement for the approval process to continue, the nominee mails (submits) a signed copy of the Personal Profile and Approval Sheet to the Chair of the Governance Committee.
- The Governance Committee submits the name of the nominee to the Chairman of the Board for election.
- The Chairman adds the election of the nominee to the agenda of the next scheduled board meeting.
- BOD Handbook sent to board nominee for review prior to attending board meeting.
- Note* With the approval of the Chairman, the President, and the Governance Committee, Steps 5 through 9 may be accelerated by combining some of them.
Procedures for Officer Election
- Officers Elected
- Chairman
- Vice Chairman
- Secretary / Treasurer
- Chaplain
Time Table
- Officers serve for 3 year
- 2020-22, 2023-25, etc
- Procedure
- Chronology
- January - Accept nominations from board for officers
- April - Submit a slate of officers to the board
- September - Election of officers for coming 3 year term.
- Chronology
- Meeting Procedures
- January - Chairman announces the floor is open for nomination of anyone interested or wishing to serve as an officer of the board. Submission of names should be to the Governance Committee chairman.
- Feb-Mar- Governance Committee speaks to those nominated to insure a willingness to Once nomination accepted, Governance Committee prepares a slate of officers.
- April - Slate of officers is presented to the board for review as an agenda item
- September - Chairman presents the slate of officers for approval as the next elected officers for the GTN Motion is seconded, any discussion, then a vote for the motion is taken.
- If the motion is not approved, individual motions for each office is taken. Any office where nominee is not approved remains vacant or the prior officer’s term is extended until another nominee is accepted by the board
7 Facilitate Board Meeting Evaluations
- Send out forms as needed
- Compile results and present at board meeting
8 Interview board members that are up for re-election
- Find out if they are still interested in serving on the board
- Discover if there are any frustrations or conflicts
- Ask about strengths and weaknesses
9 Prepare Annual Calendar of Events with the Governance Committee - August
10 Prepare Governance annual report - August
11. Assist with orientation of new board members - March
12 Provide several areas for board training
13. Assist with Conflict of Interest Disclosures - September